The Home for Wayward Babydolls is a private residence lying in Rowan County, Kentucky, near Elliottville Kentucky.
Requests for visits, general inquiries, comments, and donations (dolls, bottlecaps) may be mailed to:
Home For Wayward Babydolls
PO Box 71
Elliottville, KY 40317
Or sent through messaging at the HWB Facebook site:
Or emailed to:
Mail is opened and responded to by the Executive Director. (All Forensic questions will be answered after consultation with the Lead Scientist.)
Cecil Ray Ison
Founder and (reclusive) Lead Scientist
Founder of the field of forensic anthropomorphology (study of the criminal neglect, abuse and abandonment of Babydolls), Cecil continues his studies in this important field during retirement. His interests transcend science. He is the creator of bottle cap panels, carved stone objects, and numerous other features at the Home.
Please do not send correspondence directly to Mr. Ison. He does not answer. All communications coming to the general address will be shared with him.
Bet Ison
Executive Director
From bemused onlooker to manager/collaborator to her present position as Executive Director, Bet Ison has risen through the ranks at the Home for Wayward Babydolls. She is the resident photographer, documentarian, curator and a contributing artist. The mannequin displays, and many of the art pieces and installations are her work. Away from the HWB – Bet is known for her quilts. [link to FLCKR album ]
Alfrieda Frieda FriedaLay Rosie
Chief cadaver dog, night patrol and recovery.
Jabberwocky (Jab, Jabby)
Assistant dog, greeter and guard backup, official companion.